
Fractales is our band, formed by Jim, Arie, Tison dan Mud in early April 2010
Mud suggested the name "Fractales"  based on his favorite track in Walls (2003) by Apparat and the rest of band member is agreed with that

When we formed this band we're actually just want to play good easy listening music with little bit a Jazzy / Bluesy flavor, Jim and Arie already have familiar with this kind of music, Mud informed the boys that Jakarta International Blues Festival 2010 will held in November and we can try to apply for be the opening performer, that add some motivation to us to play music more better.
In July 2010 we start rehearse at studio, starting with playing a single from one of Indonesian music legend Koes Plus titled "Ku Jemu" with our version, and few Mud's songs that he write, after several times practicing we realized that we need a vocalist, because none of us can sing well.

So we start to looking someone who would join us, Mud contact his friend Kelly who's have been in the band with him early before, after few times we rehearse at studio she's doesn't quite interested to be in the band, so we have to search again for candidate... this time Tison introduce us to his friend of friend Alieya that have been in a band when she is in high school, after few session of rehearsal, we still can't get what we looking in her voice.

In the mean time we decide to record the song "You" which is composed by Mud, we think if we have a demo record it's much more easier for us to find a candidate for vocalist and we can start promote if there's any offer for perform in any occasion. Because we don't know where we have to look for candidates so we decide to post a thread in a  Musisi.com and few other forums, and there is few responder, after we selecting among responder we met Mia who have an high pitch vocal characteristic , soon we start rehearse again but still haven't got a match character for our music.

Jim & Arie rehearse afternoon before ROCKDEMOUNT 2010

In the end of October Mud & few friends organize a Music Event held in Puncak - Bogor called ROCKDEMOUNT that's Fractales first performance, although we in the organizer but we are play seriously to perform a good music.
One month later after the event we back to our weekly routine which is rehearse but Tison often to absence from the schedule, we are on fire because Jim have a new song that still need to be arranged but the absence of Tison is quite slow us down, in early December we receive a sms from Tison, he decide to leave the band because one of many things that he can't handle in the same time which is his job and his health. so we're officially run with only three personnel and still without vocalist in the lineup